Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Imago Dei and Homosexuality

So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them- Genesis 1:27

Here is a thought about the Imago Dei and Homosexuality:

Premise #1
God is not male or female. God’s character is reflected in men and women. When we speak of God being male or even "Father" it is because our language limits our ability to adequately express the nature of God. The communication of humanity (this is not just limited to English) can’t capture or express the infinite, triune nature and personality of the Godhead.

Premise #2
Men and women are different. They are different because God created them uniquely to reflect distinctive parts of his nature, character and qualities. Some parts of God’s singular image were split between men and women in order to more fully reveal the Creator of both. Since both come from and proceed from God they are different reflections of God.

Premise #3
A married couple provides a fuller reflection of God. This is not to say a single person doesn’t reflect the image of God, because they most certainly do, as Adam did. However, they embody only a portion of God’s character, qualities and traits because the other gender reveals something about God that their gender does not. Marriage is the union of the split image of God. The joining together of a man and a woman to become one is the reuniting of the singular character of God.

In the plan of God, the relational option of homosexuality would then be invalid. Two people of the same gender cannot reconstruct the split image of God because they bring duplicate reflections of God together. Only two different genders can bring the two different reflections of God’s character traits and qualities embedded in humanity together to recreate God’s single nature that was divided between the two of them.


Craig Dodge said...

Interesting take, I love it when you write always put an interesting spin on stuff.

David-FireAndGrace said...

Now if we, as a church, could simply present that truth in a loving way - without the polarization of politics and perceived hate.