Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Inauthentic Church

One of my weird past times is checking out church websites. You can learn a lot from a church website, not only by what they say, but by what they don't say too.

Take for instance a site I visited today. The opening picture is of a beach with a peer stretching out into a storm tossed surf. The waves crashed against the peer, the sky looks ominous, but the peer stood firm.

It is easy to see what they were trying to achieve with the picture, especially when coupled the church name. "In the storms of life, this church is a safe harbor. Here you will find peace and shelter from the relentless pounding of everyday living. Within this church you will find the strength needed to face all catastrophes."

OK, I get it. But would you wonder about this churches authenticity if you knew it was in Modesto, California! The closest beach or peer is over a hundred miles away!

This would be like naming a church, "Rainforest Christian Fellowship of Death Valley."

Something is not right here.

1 comment:

Aaron Stewart said...

Maybe they should have a picture of an SUV surrounded by Geo Metros in California traffic.