Saturday, March 29, 2008

Multi-Dimensional Worship

It was good to be active in planning Evergreen’s Good Friday gathering last week. While going through the planning I had opportunities to bump into people and ideas that helped shape the gathering. Some of these lent (or would have lent more) to the width and deep the to the gathering.

What I am talking about when I say Multi-Dimensional Worship does not really have to do with the content of the gathering, but more with the structure. Here are some ideas that help create a full orbed gathering that touch all (or most) of the ways people perceive and process the informational content of a worship experience or gathering.

*Music certainly adds to weight to a gathering.

*Songs (whether with or without music) are a guided way to express our thoughts and emotions.

*Video provides entrance of information visually. However, this is not limited to video. Icons, banners, for lack of a better word, "decoration" or accoutrements can all be used to transmit information or invoke worship.

*Most of a gathering is based on our abilities to perceive and process information in a auditory fashion. This is still key

*Responsive or antiphonal readings create not only visual (if being read) and auditory processing, but also enhance the reality that people are involved in the gathering.

*The use of our olfactory sense is one that is underutilized in worship. It may take some creative thinking in order to figure out how to incorporate different kinds of smells in to a gathering, but I believe it they are needed.

*The same goes for taste. How do we convey Psalm 34:8 without taste?

*Adding opportunities to include acts of kinesthetic worship build into our muscle memory in a way that use of our other senses does not. Also, physical movement allows for placing our bodies in positions that help mimic our hearts desire to worship, express praise, enact humility and surrender, as well as circulate blood flow to increase attention and awareness.

*Having participation in the worship gathering either through people writing reading, music are prayers, having people involved in preaching or teaching, having people create art or prayer stations, having people plan and create the gathering all aids in building ownership and community. Worship gatherings are not the sole proprietorship of the Elders or paid clergy.

*There is no a right and wrong way to enhance to the space of a gathering, but there are effective and ineffective ways to manipulate a physical space so it becomes a sacred space. Things like lighting, color, temperature, acoustics, time of day and accompanying furniture can all be used to transform a gathering space.

*Freedom. This may seem odd from the sense that we in America have the freedom to gathering and worship in appropriate and consistent ways. But are there within our gathering unwritten rules to worship? Do we allow or create space for freedom of expressive worship, even if the expression would be uncomfortable for us as individuals. Creating a climate or atmosphere where people are able to worship God is a powerful piece of a gathering.

Just some thoughts on worship planning.

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