Friday, August 29, 2008

Ditching my savior...

So over the past couple weeks I have been soul searching and have come to a conclusion. It is time to cast of the hope of being saved. I have lost hope in one of my saviors, because it has failed me. I am only jettisoning a "functional savior" mind you.

There has been in the back of my head the hope that my life would be set right if this savior would act. I hinged a lot of time and effort worrying about how to motivate this savior into action. But sadly, I can see this savior will not save me. It will not fix what is broken. It never could and was never meant to.

I am guilty of idolatry. This functional savior was raised to a level demi-god in my life and it has fallen short. It is not the fault of the functional savior, but it is my fault for trusting in it.

So, be gone with you powerless one.

I must now turn and rely on the Savior.

1 comment:

Aaron Stewart said...

Welcome to a life long journey and battle! I think idolatry will always be an enemy to be fought and fleeing to Jesus as the only one that can ever meet every need that I have will be the way to win. :)