Friday, October 10, 2008

A breath of fresh air and a face full of smoke...

Last night we (Chris, Bob and I) had the chance to a sit and talk with like minded pastor/church planter types at the Moon and Sixpence Pub. Dan, Rob and Matt are tied with Christian Associates, a predominantly European church planter organization seeking to reach into the States. Dan I have know causally for a few years since we both moved to Portland in the past couple years. Rob and Matt were new to me. We quickly shared our stories by way of introduction and then headed in to the evening's conversation... "saving the world."

Over pints, chips and sausage rolls we talk about church planting and the passion we all have for developing missional communities. We spent some time talking about the proper order for establishing these communities: Our Christology should inform our Missiology which in turn shapes Ecclesiology.

We talked about being "unconverted." Facing the reality that we need to deconstruct some of our religious upbringing and jump back into the world. For far too long we (the church) have stayed segregated from the world, knowing how to function in it, but not knowing (or caring) how to relate to it.

I picked up a ruler to measure success in creating missional communities: Indigenous Leadership. When a community sees people move from birth to leadership within it sphere of influence and responsibility, they have reached a measure of success. When those who came into a community without a relationship to Jesus are moved along in their spiritual journey and are now seen as having come full circle by using their gifts and/or caring for or leading others within the same community, can a church know they have reached an oft unrealized maturity.

These and others nuggets were a breath of fresh air bring hope to my soul. It was good to met new travelers and to develop new partnership. It was a cool evening to share ideas and provoke each other to radical living (despite all the smoke from the cigars!)

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