Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Class with D.A. Carson: Day 3

We got moving again yesterday.

Early on we started with a review of Postmodernity, by looking at Pre-Modernity and Modernity. All three of these have their good and bad points.

*Virtually universal thought that there is a G/god, which is isomorphic to the biblical God.
*Human knowledge is a subset of God's perfect knowledge.
*God's perfect knowledge is thus revelation.

*Rene Descartes begins with "I." Cogito ergo sum: I think therefore I am.
*From here we need to assess G/god, since we no longer start with G/god.
*Assumed solid knowledge was achievable, possible and desirable. This knowledge was foundational.
*Things were methodologically controlled. Have the right methodology, add the solid knowledge and out comes truth.
*Assumed the truth discovered is universal and not culturally dependent.

*Takes Modern thought and turns them on their head.
*Says the beginning “I” is not stable
*Truth is not stable, but is culturally located.
*Anti-foundationalist- the foundations for truth are faulty
*No universal truth claims- “whoever claims universal truth is trying to manipulate,” even the one making this statement.
*Starts with the same “I,” thus is not “Post” but “Ultra” modernism. Modernism on steroids.
*Has two parts these days
1) Hard Post- strict adherence to the idea there is not truth other then personal truth.
2) Soft Post- you might see the truth but without certainty.

More later...

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