Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Critical Journey: The Productive Life

Stage #3: This stage is "described as the 'doing stage.' It is the period of time when we most consciously find ourselves working for God." (pg. 73)

For me the first thing to come to mind about this stage, is being employed as a pastor in a church. There have been times in my life when I have and have not worked in churches vocationally. However, I don't think this is what the authors are talking about.

To be productive and "work" for God does not mean you have to get a paycheck from a church. It simply means you are intentionally living a life that facilitates the Kingdom of God. You are aware that your actions, words and attitudes communicate the message of God. No resume, interview or job offer required.

This does require the understanding of how God had gifted someone. Our productivity or service comes directly from our gifts and talents. Being discerning enough to how someone is equipped will help guide them into a productive life.

For me this comes through teaching/preaching and leading vocationally in a church. There was once a time, just after leaving a church staff position when I thought I would be content not being a pastor any more. I was comfortable with the idea of never working in a church again. However, I soon learned that was not how I was wired. My gifts and talents were to be used on the inside of the church. While working outside the church (for nearly 6 years) I would tell people I had a good job. One I would recommend to others, one that met our basic needs. But I would tell people this "job" was not what I was created to do. Shortly after trying to life without working in a church, I realized I would not be happy or productive unless I was doing what God had prepared me for.

It may have taken me a long time to learn my lesson, but I get it now. Living and working out of your gift set will allow you to be "productive" in the kingdom of God.

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