Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How Do You Explain The Trinity?

Here's a possibility...

Trinity: the Triune God exists in three persons(Father, Son and Holy Spirit) sharing the same essence, substance or nature.

I had a thought about the Trinity today while praying (look at me I’m spiritual!).

I have three sons.
I love them all.
I love them all equally.
Does my love for one son reduce the love of the other two?


I would say (and have said to Debra), my love for them is the same, however it is expressed differently or given with a different application in mind based on the needs and understanding of each son.

If my love for my boys is the same and comes from the same heart, how can my love be divided three ways, yet not diminished?

It can be divided this way because my heart does not have a maximum capacity when it comes to loving my boys. As a matter of fact, it doesn't have a capacity at all. It is limitless in its capability to express itself.

I think the essence, substance or nature of God is the same as my heart's capacity to love with division, but without being diminished. The essence of God is equal and undiminished in each of the the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit; however they are separate and different.


Tiffani said...

Funny that you would post something about the Trinity today. Yesterday I was thinking more about our BOE meeting and brainstorming other topics and this one popped into my head. I can't remember the last time we did a really great series or set of teachings on the Trinity. May be something to add in the next year? Good words, by the way. :)

Chip Anderson said...

I know, someone called and asked me a question about the Trinity the morning after I posted this.

Unknown said...

I like to explain it to my kids as this: I am Liese. I am also a mom and a wife and a daughter. Each thing is a part of who I am, but they are all Liese.

There is God and He is a father, a son and a holy spirit. He is all 3, but still one person just as I am 3 (and more) things, but I am still just one person.

(I'm in Common grounds HS group too.)

Unknown said...
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