Friday, July 16, 2010

How To Be A Visionary In 3 (Not So Easy) Steps

The other night while taking out the trash I had an epiphany!  For one who does not fancy himself a visionary, I was struck by the idea of how to become a visionary.

Step #1 “Have a vision.”
Call it creativity, innovation or divine inspiration, call whatever you want, but visionaries have visions.  Not revelation of the end of the world or some hallucination, but an idea.  Visionaries see the world differently than most people.  This can come from frustration or hope.  Visionaries see possibilities where others don’t.  They create paths where there are none.  They are not content with the status quo.  They have a desire to change the world.  So, to be a visionary you have to have an idea, a suspicion or a vision.

Step #2 “Implement your vision.”
Probably the biggest difference between those who are visionaries and those who are not is action! You can have the greatest idea or the most wonderful inspiration, but if you don’t put it into action it is useless.  Those who are visionaries are willing to do what it takes to see their visions become reality.  It’s not that they always succeed, but they always try.  Failure is actually good seed for step #1.  Many people are too scared, too limited or too rigid to take their ideas and breathe life into them.  Those who try may fail, but those who don’t have failed already.

Step#3 “See past your vision.”
Being a visionary is just like washing your hair, “apply, rinse and repeat.”  Visionaries are not content when they have seen their vision become reality.  What usually happens is through the process of implementing their vision, they have another one and the whole cycle starts all over again. To stop the process leads to creating another status quo, which really produces stagnation again.  Visionary people are those who can’t leave well enough alone.  Victory (or defeat) should not constipate creativity, innovation or divine inspiration, it should liberate it.  Visionaries reproduce and reincarnate the cycle with further visions.

If this hold water, it is a great encouragement to me!

1 comment:

David said...

I think it's good - faith without works is dead. All that while the folks without vision parish.