Sunday, January 16, 2011

Women and the Gospel

In the past couple days I have been thinking about how the gospel affects women.  This has led me to think again about women in church leadership, roles of men and women in marriage and the whole egalitarian vs. complementation discussion.

In the mists of this I made this comparison: At some point in the future this whole debate about women will be like discussion about eschatology (end times):

  • Both sides will be able to present their views backed by Scripture, history and opinion, but there will no be consensus. 
  • There will always be extremists pro and con.
  • For the most part this discussion will become fodder for conversation and not a reason for division within the church. 
  • The issue will move (if it has not already) from an "A" list issue to a "B" or "C" list issue, losing its intrigue, ire and staying power at the table of theological conversation.
The question then becomes, is kind of evolution of the debate good for the church or not?

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

I hope this conversation never gets sidelined or de-escalated. Unlike debates about creation or end times, this conversation has ramifications right now for half our population. I don't think we would ever agree to disagree on the rights of children, African-Americans, or the poor. We fight for justice and equality. Why wouldnt we do the same for women?