Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Contributing to their own demise

"The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain."

So what have we as men done to women to make them think the exploitation of their own gender is acceptable, nay fashionable?

I am amazed why I see I women, and more so when I see “girls”, wearing a shirt or hoodie which promotes Playboy, Hooters or Skin Industries. How did we sell women on the idea they are only good for their parts when they are attractive and willing to have their identity wrapped up in what men think of them? I am truly lost here.

· Do they think they are supporting their man but participating in these trends?
· Are these fashion accessories so trendy, women are willing to belittle themselves to seem hip?
· Is there a general lack of self esteem that manifests itself in a need to be approved of by the lowest common denominator?

We had to work very hard in order to get a society like ours. We have created a world that has legitimized and de-stigmatized porn, where it is OK to objectify women and established a culture of unreal expectations. All the while, getting women to promote it for us!

I thank God I have sons! I don’t have to worry about Brats Dolls, sexy underwear or skin tight, low cut tops. I just have to raise men who respect women and view them as created with the imago dei, who can appreciate real value and who can ascribe true worth. All the while knowing what is good and right as opposed to what is right now and good for nothing.

Crap! I’m not sure who has a bigger job.