Tuesday, February 26, 2008

NPC #3

Leadership from the Inside Out: Examining the Inner Life of a Healthy Church Leader- Kevin Harney

This session was a great minder about boundaries.

Watch your heart.
Laugh more.
Bear only the yoke of Jesus
Understand your Libido

The best part of this session came in the first 15 minutes. The speaker spoke about regularly examining your life in order to deal with any problem issues that may arise. Dealing with these issues when they are small is easier than waiting until they are HUGE problems. Too many church leader have been destroyed by waiting and ignoring the warning signs that trouble lies ahead.

Personally, I was challenged to surround myself with people who will speak truth to me. These are the people who are not scared to stand up to me and point out things are I may find hard to hear. These people need to be brave, loving and honest. Their job in speaking truth is to call me on my sin and baggage. They job is not to cuddle me or worry too much about me self esteem. They are to point out my weaknesses and help me to be stronger.

I must give these people an open invitation and freedom to look, poke and challenge me in all areas of my life.

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