Sunday, October 19, 2008

Class with D.A. Carson: Day 4

Historical Theology:
*More than church history.
*Studies the Systematic Theology of a particular culture and age.
*Studies the Systematic Theology as it morphs across time.
*Focuses on the BIG structures of though.

The Subject of History is Important to Christianity:

*Biblical Christianity has a unique relationship to history in that it is as historical revelation(coming within the context of time and space).
*Historical awareness must be apart of the preaching focus, asking "What has God done in space in time?"

Relevance of Historical Theology to Preaching:
*Historical Theology is the discipline that informs us of the exegeses and Systematic Theology of previous ages, thus a simple understanding of this knowledge connects the church across the ages.Historical Theology teaches how certain issues become central in certain ages.
*Historical Theology reveals God has more light to shed from his most holy (although not esoteric secrets!)
*Historical Theology reminds us that some errors and heresies reoccur, albeit with modifications.
*Historical Theology provides a plethora of moving and useful illustrations that enrich exposition while drawing believers in to a bigger world.
*Historical Theology promotes cultural reflection on your location.
*Historical Theology teaches how often believers have lost the gospel, whether by addition or subtraction.

Pastoral Theology and Preaching:

*All biblically faithful theology should be pastoral (building up).
*Pastoral Theology asks pastoral questions of our theology.
*Pastoral Theology is a perspective in all theological reflection focusing on the applicability to all people.
*Pastoral Theology cultivates compassion
*Pastoral Theology cultivates an understanding of people and their needs in Biblical categories.
*Pastoral Theology cultivates a knowledge of the diversity of people in your congregations, gathering or communities.
*Pastoral Theology cultivates a prepared mind and heart for turning points in peoples lives.
*Pastoral Theology cultivates a rapid automatic turn to Jesus (God, Jesus, the cross and the resurrection).

"D,d,d,do,do,do,do, you see?"

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