Monday, January 26, 2009

Definition #1: Scripture

Next to the person of Jesus, the Bible is the best and most reliable witness to the character and will of God the Father. It is the final arbiter of faith and practice. It is also without error in its original revelation, yet translations still faithfully convey the words of God today. Scripture is not a textbook of any sort, but the storybook of God’s redemptive activity throughout time. In it is contained the forgiveness of sin, the promises of mercy, the realty of transformation and hope for the future through Jesus the Christ and his teachings.

Missed anything?

Overstated anything?

Do I needed to be burned at the stake?

1 comment:

Aaron Stewart said...

I would also add that since scripture is God breathed and that he has promised that his word will never return empty that it is active and living in our world today and not something that was merely said in the past. I believe that the Bible is God speaking to us today.