Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Preacher as Guide

Eugene Peterson has compared the task of pastoring to the being a guide. When I read this I instantly loved the analogy! As I thought more about it I began to apply it my ministerial interest, the preacher as a guide. What would like this look like? What kind of guide? So, I began to wonder:

A docent? No. A good preacher does not simply show people around a vacuum-sealed, hands off exhibit of ancient, lifeless artifacts someone has collected.

A tour guide? No. The job of the preacher is more than taking people to places where historic or interesting events happened.

A map? No. Although a map points people in the “right” direction, it is passive and offers no active guidance to those who are lost. A map does no good if you don’t know where you are or where you need to go.

I think the analogy of a river guide works well and here’s why:

1. The preacher is in the same boat as the people and not standing on the shore shouting orders or directions.

2. The preacher is in the same environment as the people and not immune to its shifts and fluctuations. Everyone gets soaked!

3. The preachers is able to show and point out critical concerns and interests that otherwise might have been miss by those in the boat.

4. The preacher works in partnership with the people and is not able to function alone. He cannot steer and row at the same time.

5. The preacher and the people are both being carried along in a constantly progressing forward motion.

6. The preacher is hopefully passing on his passion for guiding to those who would become enthusiasts and not just tourists.

A "guide." I like this idea. Not a Chief Cultural Architect or Evangelism Champion or even a Pastor/Cultivator. Simply a guide. One called out of the common community to hold the peoples attention on the God.

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