Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Story of Stealing

This past Tuesday in our series on the 10 Commandments called, "Newfound Freedom" TNL was called to make right what they turned wrong.  We were challenged to not only to stop stealing, but to make any needed restitution.  We were encouraged to not be restricted by our theft, but to find freedom in contentment by:

  • Getting rid of or paying for the music, movies or software you have burned, downloaded or pirated.
  • Giving back any money or property we have "illegitimately acquired."
  • Make proper restitution or compensation to those we have defrauded, cheated or swindled. 
Here is an email story from someone who took this challenge seriously.

"So after TNL, I went over to my friends house I had sat and took care of their dog for them over last weekend. I went over to accomplish three missions.

1. was to give them back their key and garage door opener.
2. was to get paid cause they wanted to pay me for taking the trips out there to do that for them ...&
3. was to tell her I ripped a couple of CDs onto my computer and did not ask permission to do so before I did it, asked for an apology if it were stealing.

I told them the reason I was I apologizing, which was what we were asked to do from our church and second I want to make sure I am walking in God's will. I told them I feel a lot of uncertainity is in my life right now and I do not want to be doing things that are causing this for myself. In other words, I do not want bad carma coming back biting me in the rear or consequences, for that matter. 

The wife told me to chill! She said to me taking the cds was okay and offered me a glass of wine!" 

I am continually encouraged by people's sensitivity and obedience to God's voice in their lives.

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