Thursday, March 22, 2007

If I were to plant a church...

I have been away from a computer for a few days, so it is time to post something new.

If I were to plant a church (and I have thought about it) here are some foundational values that I would love to see be part of its DNA:

Biblically Rooted

Within the pages of Scripture we find that God himself has come to rescue and restore all of creation through of the work of Jesus Christ on our behalf. Next to the person of Jesus, Scripture is God’s best and most complete expression of himself and his activity on earth available to humanity. It is with this in mind we seek to make the Bible the primary focus in our pursuit of God, the teachings of Jesus and Kingdom living.

Historically Informed:

It would be foolish to neglect or ignore the two thousand years of history that has transpired between the biblical world and our present day. Much can be learned from the tragedies and triumphs of the past. Without being constrained by tradition, an intellectual humility must be exercised knowing that we are not the first to experience the struggles of faith and life, kings and Kingdom or belief and doubt. To help answer or at least shed some light on these matters, the past must have a voice in shaping the future.

Culturally Aware:

In order to speak to our culture we must know our culture. We must be conversant in its language, familiar with its icons and knowledgeable about its issues. This is not to appear fashionable or trendy, but to answer the question, “what does Jesus-service look like in our surroundings?” Words like “incarnational,” “contextual,” and “imbedded” all characterize this goal of knowing people and knowing what matters to them.

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