Wednesday, May 2, 2007


I just finished the first draft of another article and have passed it onto my editor (thanks honey). I am going to try and get this one published in a magazine. If I don't I will post it here.
It feels good to write though. I can get things off my chest. I can drain my brain and release thoughts and ideas that would otherwise bounce around in my head aimlessly.
For someone who has a fear of writing and thought it was too hard, I am convinced I was right! Writing and articulating one's thoughts is difficult and sometimes painful. But nonetheless, it is something I can do. After spending much of 2006 reading, researching and writing a 200+ page paper, I was able to dispel the myth that says, "I can't write." I would not call myself a writer yet. I believe you actually have to have something published first or devote your life to this art. I am not there yet. Maybe some day.
Write now I am just enjoying the free flow of thought and the pleasure it is to let me brain throw up on paper without of the fear of a failing grade.

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