Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The first day of school

Sam's birthday is going to be a day of demarcation. Not only because it celebrates his entrance into the world, but it also will symbolize that school starts soon. This year it means that school starts the next day. Sunday was Sam's 1st birthday and yesterday school started for Jake and Ben.

As normal Debra has incorporated the creative study of scripture into their school days. Yesterday proved to be an interesting day of theological conversation with Jake, while Ben intently listened.

While looking at the ideas of the Big Bang and biblical creation and explaining the natural decline of our physical world from good to bad, Jake had some profound questions rolling around in his 8 years mind:

"How do we know we were made good and became bad? What if we were bad and became good and went bad again?"

"How do we know God is good?"

"How do we know there is a God anyway?"

"I don't know that I believe in God."

All of these questions are great! I am astounded he is thinking about things like this. I am glad he is willing to share his thoughts on God with us. He hides little of where he is at spiritually.

Now, a while back I might have really worried about questions and doubts like these from an little kid. But right now, I'm not. Jake most likely will have a very intellectual faith (like his fathers)and will need to see and understand facts and evidence. I just hope to comes to appreciate the mystery side of faith as well. Like his namesake, my little boy is wrestling with God.

Is this not what the path of spiritual growth is all about?


Aaron Stewart said...

I am way impressed that he's asking these sorts of questions. Just wait until he starts debating theology with you! ;)

Anonymous said...

super cool. love it.