Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Community Called Atonement- Chp. 2 quotes

pg. 9 The kingdom of God, in short compass, is the society in which the will of God is established to transform all of life.

pg. 9...atonement is only understood when it is understood as restoration of humans- in all directions- so that they form a society (the ecclesia, the church) wherein God's will is lived and given freedom to transform all of life. Any theory of atonement that is not an ecclesial theory of the atonement is inadequate.

pg.13 Any discussion of atonement apart from discussion of the kingdom fails to do justice to the biblical faming of God's redemptive work in this world...Jesus' kingdom vision and atonement are related; separating them is an act of violence...Atonement creates the kingdom of God.

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