Saturday, July 12, 2008

9 Year Old Spirituality

So, the boys went to a friend’s church for a week of Sport Camp. A few days after camp was over we got a call from one of the church Pastors. Normally this strikes fear in the heart of every parent; expecting to hear, “Uh, yeah, don’t bring them back next year.” But this was not the case. The Pastor called to inform us our oldest had made a significant spiritual decision (my words not his). So, as any good parent would, I followed up with my boy.

When asked about what he decided he said, “I have decided to co-operate with the love of Christ.” Initially, I thought this meant he was going to try and be more cooperative and obedient displaying the love of Jesus. As it turns out he was saying he was going to focus more on God and allow God to work through him. As if God was pressing on him and rather than fighting it anymore, he was going to give in to what Christ wanted for him.

When I praised him for being more respectful and easier to get along with he said, “Its not me, its God in me.”

We will continue to talk.

This is a great first step.

I am sure he will have his ups and downs. His mountain tops highs and his shadow of death lows. This is no different than when his mom and dad started their journeys with Christ.

It is on this very journey that my son will meet his maker and realize his need for mercy and grace. It is on this journey that my son will be transformed. It is on this journey that my son will become my brother.

Thank you God.


Anonymous said...

Is it dorky that this makes me all teary? It just makes me imagine and dream and hope for my daughter and her future and her relationship with Christ. Thanks for posting it.

Chip Anderson said...

Dude, you're not being dorky. It is a beautiful hope!