Sunday, November 21, 2010

An Easy Target (journal entry 11-12-10)

It's easy to speak passionately about Jesus Christ.
  • you can't ever over state his worth.
  • you can't ever over state his position.
  • you can't over state his power.
  • you can't ever build the hype too high.
  • you can't over promise and under deliver.
  • you can't push his message too far.
  • you can't ever say too much about him.
  • you can't exaggerate his love.
  • you can't give him too much credit.
  • you are not limited in superlatives.
  • you can't make him sound too good, too powerful or too loving.
  • you can't over emphasis is impact.
  • you can over play his glory.
  • you can't over use the story of his resurrection.
  • you can 't tells stories about him that are too over the top, that push the envelope too far or that sound too amazing.
  • you can't honor him enough. 
  • you can't exhaust his teachings, character or wisdom.

You can never make too much of Jesus.

1 comment:

Trinket said...

Chip, thank you for sharing these thoughts and words. They stopped me in my tracks as I read them, as I realized that the actions of others, including Christians, are not always indicative of the actions of Christ. My actions are not always indicative of Christ. But He enters in anyway and loves us just the same. Thanks. Katrina (Former TNL member who moved away from Denver but still tries to keep up with things. :))