Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Two at TNL

People say, ‘Time flies when you are having fun.’  If that is true I am in a time warp.

April 1 will mark my 2nd anniversary at TNL.  And let me tell you it has been such a rush!  Over the past two years I  have laughed, cried and challenged you, and you me.  Together we have shared meals, our stories and our lives.  I have visited some of you in the hospital, trusted others to watch my sons, and I’ve even had to say good-bye to some in my time here.
Even with all the ups and downs, the joy and sorrow, and the critiques and compliments there is not any other church community I want to be a part of, journey with or lead.  Just this morning I was thinking about how difficult it would be to find another church like TNL. I think TNL has wrecked me for other churches.
We are a community of people who are honest and messy in our faith. We are not pretentious about our successes or distraught in our failures. We are generous not only with our money, but with our lives.  We hope for the best but will deal with whatever comes next. And when that “next” does comes we do not let it destroy us, but we let it shape us. Not only who we are and who we are becoming by the grace of God.
Over the past two years I have loved getting to know the people that make The Next Level Church. I am humbled by how you have impacted my journey with Jesus.  I think I have underestimated how greatly you have shaped me as a Christ follower, a father, a husband and as a pastor…one of your pastors.  For all of this I am grateful.

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